First Trimester

There is so much information out there regarding pregnancy. An excellent website to get you started is Pregnancy, birth & baby. They have a week-by-week guide that you can follow.  Here is some more information that we think is useful to get you started.

When you have your first antenatal appointment with your GP, they will order some blood tests and a urine test. They may also order an early ultrasound scan to check the dates of the pregnancy. The next tests come between 10 and 13 weeks. This usually involves another blood test and an ultrasound scan. Costs can vary for each test. For first trimester screening: you can expect around $135 cost with a medicare rebate of around $30-40. Please read these links for more information.

Tests, scans and Checks – Pregnancy

Genetic Carrier Screening  – Prepair

NIPTS  – Percept

Your choice – Prenatal Screening tests in pregnancy

It is important to keep yourself fit and healthy in pregnancy. The recommendation would be to discuss options for exercise with your GP or a women’s health physiotherapist to ensure you exercise in a safe manner. Exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor are also important to practice.

Pelvic Floor Exercises

Pelvic floor app – Squeezy

Exercise option – Empowered Motherhood Program  – Yoga/exercise/meditation

Influenza vaccination is recommended in pregnancy. Even if you have had one this influenza season, a repeat vaccination is recommended once pregnant.

Pregnancy and Flu

Maternal Vaccination during Pregnancy

Covid-19 Vaccination in Pregnancy