
Contact Info

Tel: 03 5723 5400

Fax: 03 5723 5455

Address: Suite 1/90-100 Ovens St, Wangaratta VIC 3677 get directions


(Please note that email is for general enquiries only. Please do not contact us about medical issues or emergencies through email).

If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment, contact us through the National Relay Service. For more information, visit:

If you require an interpreter, we use the Translation and Interpreter Service (TIS National)

To book an appointment go to the Appointment Booking Page.

Feedback / Complaints

We would like to hear about any feedback or complaints directly if possible.

These can be given in person, by phone, letter, or email.

Alternatively, you may contact the Health Complaints Commissioner on 1300 582 133

Opening Hours

Opening hours:

9.00 am – 5.30 pm Monday to Friday

Closed public holidays


Australian Clinical Labs – In house pathology service

9.oo am – 1.00 pm Monday to Friday

Emergency/ after hours contacts

In an emergency always call 000

After Hours GP Helpline Healthdirect 1800 022 222

For patients who have previously been seen by one of our doctors at the clinic, there is an on call doctor available. This service runs from 6pm to 8.30am Monday to Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday. If you need to speak to the on call doctor, please call the clinic and follow the instructions.

There are paid parking spaces availabe in the Co-Store building next door

Bus routes 401 and 403 stop near the clinic